Author Archives: admin

Glidermatic Roller Door Controller Repaired

Recently a customer brought the contol system for there Glidermatic Roller Door Opener to the workshop for repair.  This model operates on 27MHz and is no longer available. The Customer had been told that they would have to buy a new system and the cost was quite high.  The Glidermatic Roller Door Opener was repaired and fitted by RadTronix at a fraction of the cost of a replacement system.

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Ming Da MC34-Ab repair

Ming Da MC34-AB – Chinese Valve Amplifier Repair

A fault in one of the EL34 output valves caused the failure of this Ming Da MC34-AB amplifier.  As a result of the fault some resistors overheated and the resultant smoke and fumes contaminated the valve base and damaged some of the heater wiring.

Removal of the contamination from the valve base, replacement of the faulty resistors and heater wiring, a new set of valves and adjustment of the bias restored normal operation.

Click this link for pictures:

Classic Valve and Thermionic Tube Audio Services


Classic Valve and Tube Audio Amplifier Services

Valve/Tube Amplifier Repair and Restoration

If you are looking for sympathetic repair or restoration of your valve/tube amplifier then look no further than RadTronix. We are located in the historic City of York in the Heart of Yorkshire.

From the straightforward repair of none working valve/tube amplifiers, sympathetic restoration, commission build of specialist products we are certain that RadTronix can help.

Valve/Tube Testing     

If you have any valves/tubes that need testing we can carry this work out for you using our classic AVO tester.

Valve/Tube Amplifier Performance Testing

Would you like to know how your amplifier is performing?  At RadTronix we can use our sophisticated test equipment to measure and report on the performance of your amplifier from frequency response to distortion let us know your requirements.

Valve/Tube Substitution Comparisons

Would you like to know how valve/tube substitutions impact on the performance of your amplifier?  We can quantify the performance of your amplifier with different valve/tube configurations.  John will be happy to discuss your requirements with you.

Manufacturers and Models

Over the past few decades we have fixed valve amplifiers from most manufacturers from high end Quad to upgrading cheap Chinese amplifiers we can offer a solution.

30Amp Aga Controller Repair – Three Day Turnaround

The 30 Amp electric Aga is an impressive piece of engineering. It runs on cheap off peak electricity and keeps the kitchen warm as well as cooking tasty meals.
Like all appliances in the home things can sometimes go wrong and the 30Amp Aga is no exception.
However if your Aga Controller fails then all you need to do is call RadTronix as we offer a three working day turnaround for 30Amp Aga Controllers. Besides repairing the fault we carry out restoration replacing components that are prone to failure. The resulting repair carries a full twelve month warranty.
Having your 30Amp Aga control board repaired is a Green alternative to a replacement board and you will be saving money and reducing the landfill at the same time.
At RadTronix we offer a fixed price repair for your 30Amp Aga control unit all you have to add is an electrically competant person to remove and replace the controller.
For more details call RadTronix on 07436 885 937 or use the form on our contact page.

Audio Visual Services

We design, supply, install, repair and maintain a wide range of audio visual equipment; amplifiers, mixer desks, video projectors, DMX contollers, MP3 players.